At The Pet Discount Palace we are passionate about our pets.
When a group of like-minded people got together to create this store we had one real goal in mind:
To create a store where people who love their pets can get together and buy high quality goods and products for their pets are great prices.
We have scoured the Internet, offline stores and warehouses and we even buy 'distressed' goods (goods that are surplus or shops that have went bankrupt) and we offer them to our visitors.
We need enough profit to keep the store going and we have other expenses to meet but we pass on as much of the saving we get on our goods to you our customers.
Look out for special offers and one-off deals we will be sending you if you join our mailing list.
If you need to get in touch, for any reason, simply email us at
We promise to get back to you as soon as we can.
All the best, and thanks for visiting
Charlie and the team